Josh Roley /
Episode #12 - May 22nd, 2017
Josh Roley is the founder and owner of HomeCoders that specializes in placement of remote positions. Josh lives in rural North Carolina, yet still has a fiber internet connection. We discuss with Josh his personal journey to remote work, and then shift the discussion to his advice as a recruiter for someone looking for remote opportunities.
Josh Roley
Josh Roley is the Founder of HomeCoders, a recruiting firm that specializes in remote software positions. Josh is a big advocate for remote work and has been working remotely for over a decade part-time and for nearly five years full-time. Josh is a family man with seven kids and absolutely loves the positive impact remote work has on his family, and he thoroughly enjoys helping others find great jobs working from home.
Jonathan Sharp
Jonathan Sharp has worked remote since 2008 in a variety of engagements from freelancer, contractor, employee, to entrepreneur. He has participated in a variety of remote teams from a handful of individuals through large 65+ person teams. He has also previously managed a fully distributed enterprise consulting agency with a team of 23. Jonathan loves the topic of remote work and the opportunities it affords.
Ari Winokur
Ari has worked in Information Technology since knowing a DOS command line and IRQs was essential. Since then, Ari has moved on to build, manage, and support complex systems and networks. Ari has worked in many different technology environments over the years; from small to large, both Windows and Macintosh.
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Show Notes
Josh Roley started to recruit and place remote work opportunities for a group of select clients. He's located in rural North Carolina and averages 20 placements per year either contract-to-hire or full-time.
Skills needed to be recruited for remote work
- Prior remote work experience
- Self-control
Tips for those just starting out in their career:
- Start out by working in an office first
- Remote jobs are looking for higher experience positions
Tip for companies that want to embrace remote work:
- Have senior leadership work remotely and feel the pain
- By feeling the pain they will identify the issues and fix them
- If you don’t adjust your culture for remote you’ll lose that talent
Trends in remote work:
- Lack of talent in the tech industry (one way to attract talent)
- Companies are getting more specific for their talent needs
How does remote work affect families
- Amazing opportunity to reunite families
- Is your kid worth $100 Million?
What the buzz