Andy Elmhorst / Working Remote For Amazon AWS

Episode #6 - February 27th, 2017

While Andy Elmhorst works remote for Amazon as an AWS Solutions Architect, he lives in the rural northwoods of Wisconsin. Andy shares about how he transitioned into a remote arrangement, what his home office experience is like, how his remote experience is rubbing off on his children and how he grows and continues developing in his career.


Andy Elmhorst


Jonathan Sharp has worked remote since 2008 in a variety of engagements from freelancer, contractor, employee, to entrepreneur. He has participated in a variety of remote teams from a handful of individuals through large 65+ person teams. He has also previously managed a fully distributed enterprise consulting agency with a team of 23. Jonathan loves the topic of remote work and the opportunities it affords.

Ari Winokur

Ari has worked in Information Technology since knowing a DOS command line and IRQs was essential. Since then, Ari has moved on to build, manage, and support complex systems and networks. Ari has worked in many different technology environments over the years; from small to large, both Windows and Macintosh.


Show Notes

Andy Elmhorst lives in rural Three Lakes, Wisconsin (in the same town where Jonathan lives) all the while working for Amazon as an AWS Solutions Architect. He's worked remote for a number of years and in a number of home offices with his current office setup for the best experience.


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